The immersion assembly was a little bit funny and boring but when it was Mr Somerville's turn it was funny. It was funny because when they were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Mr Somerville was only faking that he was playing the guitar!
In the holidays I went to Coromandel and when I got there I went for a swim with my cousins. It was cold like an ice cube and when we got out me and my cousin were cold and I stall jumped in. We went to the creek and it was cold. When it was my cousin birthday it was cool.
Monday, October 3, 2011
On Sunday the ABS played Canada in Wellington. Canada got the first points within 2 minutes of the start of the game. A Canadian player and a All Black player had a collision.They banged their heads and they got knocked out.When they banged their heads and then were out of the game and they were on the bench. The final score was 79-15 to the All Blacks.